Paintings by Dianne Mize

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Monday, August 2, 2010

Like Icarus

I don't know if this painting is finished.  My 13-year old neighbor Macklin says it is, and most likely he's right.
"Like Icarus"   Watercolor on Paper  14" x 14"
Here's the photo I used as my primary reference.  The painting is more about the moth as metaphor than the moth being described.  In fact, I'm responding more to my feeling about the moth than my thinking about her.

If there's been one thing that has stymied my work, it has been thinking too much about it.  It's imperative to do multiple studies, to get to know the subject, to plan its placement and to make compositional decisions, but all that needs to be done before the painting begins.  When the first brushstroke hits, the thinking needs to stop so that the muse can take over and create the work, rather like meditating.  

Easier said than done.

Enjoy your Monday,


Annice said...

Lovely. I'm with your neighbor. It's finished. But only you can really determine that in the end. Glad to see you had a productive weekend. Annice

Unknown said...

I really like "Like Icarus", Dianne. It has a lot of movement in it and strikes a deep chord in me. Though whether or not it's finished is based on your vision, it totally suits me the way it is - can't imagine anything else that would add to it.

For you it's "easier said than done"; for me, it's "much easier said that done"!
