Paintings by Dianne Mize

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Third Wren Study

"Third Wren Study"    7" x 10"   Watercolor on Paper
Here is my third study of the Carolina Wren I spotted at my bird feeder.  Scan down to the previous two posts to see the other two.
     One of the joys of spring unfolding is the busy activity of our feathered friends building their nests, laying their eggs and keeping vigilant watch of their future progeny.   A bird feeder usually guarantees that its visitors will choose a nearby area for their nest and continue to show up, but once I began the studies the wren disappeared.   Until then, he was a regular visitor.
     One thing I have learned from these studies:  it is better to video them rather than take still shots.  By doing so, I am able to watch the video repeatedly enabling me to register their gestures and expressions, so important to how I interpret them.  And, too, in the case the subject goes away, I have a more complete record of whatever it was that drew me to it.